Dropping the Arrow
Does your process for setting a goal derive mostly from external target-setting or internal tuning?
Dropping the Arrow Read More »
Does your process for setting a goal derive mostly from external target-setting or internal tuning?
Dropping the Arrow Read More »
In the discipline of “futures thinking” and planning, a weak signal is the first indicator of a change or an emerging issue that may become significant in the future.
Many traditions celebrate this time of year as a recognition of new life, rebirth, and a fresh start. This year, of course, is different. Many do not feel like celebrating, and many of us still feel enclosed in the darkness. No one really knows what is ahead. We never did, really. It’s just that, now,
My biggest question over the last week has been, “How might I contribute at this time?” The term “CARE package” originated in 1945, when millions of Europeans were at risk of starvation in the aftermath of World War II. It has since become a generic term for humanitarian relief, or a small package of snacks
We have had a back seat view of the pandemic as it has marched it way from China, to Europe and the United States. I’ve been monitoring a variety of international news Web sites, trying to get a macro view of what is happening by aggregating the stories into a broader narrative. This is a
What COVID-19 Reflects Read More »
The word “exile” came to my awareness today as I was reading a book on inward pilgrimage. We are experiencing a massive global exile, away from the people we love, from familiar places and routines. We are in our physical houses and apartments, yet we are away from our spiritual homes. We are banished from
I feel I have spent the last two years of my life preparing for this moment. Obviously, I did not predict that the world would take a massive downshift. There is no way I could have known that tens of millions of people would suddenly and dramatically find themselves in their own bardo, their own
A Global Threshold Read More »
I can hear birds for the first time since we moved into this apartment in the center of Lisbon. The rhythm of the hourly church bells, unheard under the din of marauding drunken tourists and screeching cars, seems to carry a particular poignancy. The uneasy silence that has fallen across the city has allowed the
What is essential? Read More »