Weak Signals
In the discipline of “futures thinking” and planning, a weak signal is the first indicator of a change or an emerging issue that may become significant in the future.

A Möbius Journey
Life is the continuous möbius loop between the inner and outer world, between our deepest sense of who we are and what we project to others.

Perhaps the World Ends Here
A poem by Joy Harjo, the United States’ 23rd poet laureate — and the first Native American to receive the honor.

Claiming Your Story
We all have a story to tell about this time. Each story is a thread in a global woven tale, and each has a unique perspective to contribute.

Curtain Lifting
As we cautiously return to the outer world, will we recognize the desperate and devastating insanity of the “old normal”?

Take Your Seats
I get the feeling that this current situation is just the opening act of a long drama. In it, we are both actors and audience.

For those who are anxious about not having a clear path forward, consider these words from three wise ancestors — a mystic, a saint and a poet.

Peering into the Fault Lines
COVID-19 has, among other things, exposed a lot, including the personal weaknesses we are confronting in our individual lives.

Please Stand By
We need to stand by, while other people — physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, laboratory technicians and armies of other health care workers — try to sort out what’s going on.