
I often joked with mom that whatever flowers I were to give would be given in life when she could appreciate them.

That said, if those who cared for her are so moved, I would suggest the following as places to send memorial gifts in lieu of flowers:

Her name is Maria Herminia Avila

St. Anthony’s Dining Room in SF (this was my mother’s favorite charity and so appropriate that is an organization dedicated to feeding the poor)

Queen of the Valley Hospital (we jokes that my mom should consider the record books with her 18 surgeries. She was always well cared for here. She also worked here as a housekeeper for 12 years and said it was the best job she ever had)

Hospice (we used the services of Napa Valley Hospice, but every community should have a NON-PROFiT hospice that could use help. I believe the people who have dedicated their lives to this work are truly doing God’s work.)


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