My mother passed away this morning at 6:40, with me and my dearest sister-friend Jenn at her side. Her breathing had gotten very hard, like she was climbing a mountain. But this morning something changed. As we looked at her, she opened her eyes, took one last breath and stopped. A look of softness came over her. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life, and I am still processing it.
Right now I am in a daze—going through the motions of making preparations, contacting people, etc.
For those who are interested here is the information about her services:
Friday, February 8 at 7 PM—Rosary
1975 Main Street, Napa, CA
Saturday, February 9 at 12 Noon—Funeral
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
960 Caymus Street, Napa, CA
Followed by burial at Tulocay Cemetery, 411 Coombsville Road, Napa, CA
So very sorry for your enormous loss.